Posts Filed in Category: Health

Kickin it with Kagan: Jan, 19 with Mark Gindick

Filed in Health

Being an athlete is serious business. There is no room for clowning around in the gym or on the field. Athleticism can also be found outside of the game. A person doesn’t need competition to be considered an athlete. This week I spoke to Mark Gindick, a clown with The Big Apple Circus. His training […]

Kickin it with Kagan: Jan 12, Female Fertility

Filed in Health

Competitive athletes are often willing to put their lives on hold so they can make it through the season. Although there are many benefits of hard training, there is a downside-particularly for women. The good old biological clock can hold out only so long, and female athletes must deal with the pressure of choosing between their careers […]

Kickin it with Kagan: Jan 5, with Caveman Diet Expert Zach Finer

Filed in Health

New Year’s Resolutions are always tough. They’re a chance to make a commitment to better yourself spiritually and physically. I have seen many people take this opportunity and vastly improve their lives and relationships, and I respect anyone who sets a resolution and makes the effort to stick with it. Obviously, no one is perfect and we all […]